例如Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate等技術呢
Operation System:
l Unix base OS (Solaris, Linux): Familiar with Unix based system on Enterprise Computing. Also have experience of Solaris, Red Hat, SuSE servers' service construction, like FTP server, HTTP server, DNS server, DB server, J2EE server.
l Windows OS: Familiar with Windows OS operation and service construction, like FTP server, HTTP server, DNS server, DB server, J2EE server.
Coding Language:
l Java / JSP / Servlet: Main coding utility for Application and Web construction.
l Flex / Flash: Help utility for Rich Internet Application.
l C / C++: Coding for old project support.
l Unix / Linux Shell: For batch process and job on Unix based system and some help utility.
l PL/SQL: For Database operation and access interface to separate Business rule and coding module.
Familiar Web/Application Framework:
l Struts Framework: For main web develop framework to implement MVC framework.
l JSF: For main J2EE UI layer and implement of new MVC framework support by Sun Microsystems.
l Web Service (Third Party XFire Framework): New third party Web Service framework to easily implement Web Service architecture.
l JSPWiki: Open source organization for sharing knowledge with WWW users. It's a good architecture with "Full Text Search", "RSS", "Content Management".
l JBoss Portal: A powerful architecture to arrange web portlet program that follow the JSR168 spec. It's nice to componentize the web component for reuse.
l JBoss BPM: A powerful flow management architecture to control the process and easy to development.
l OSGi: For light ware application framework use. A good extendable framework for embedded system use and potential for last generate JAVA application.
l Jini: A service discovery framework for community computing and service provide application.
JDBC Framework:
l Common JDBC: Main JDBC application for Application and Web.
l Hibernate: J2EE supported Persistence Data Layer for more dynamic Application and Web.
l SQL2JAVA: Third party code generated of Data Access layer for JAVA applications.
SA / SD:
l UML modeling: For system analysis and development assist and documentation.
l Oracle Database: For enterprise computing data storage.
l MS SQL Server / Access: For enterprise computing data storage.
l MySQL: For testing and resource restrict servers' data storage.
Coding Tool:
l Eclipse: Main used develop tool for coding JAVA Application and Web. Familiar and favorite with third party plug-in version with BEA workshop, MyEclipse IDE, Callisto Project of Eclipse and JBoss IDE.
l Netbean IDE series: Try and discover the new ideas of Sun Microsystem Inc.
l JDeveloper: Try and discover the new idea of Oracle Inc.
Version Controlling:
l Subversion: For version control tool of development code.
1. Tag lib化:目前許多的功能都走向模組化,如JSPWebmail可以支援Tag library,那對於撰寫JAVA Web程式的使用者,將非常有利。( 偶還沒寫過TAG拉

2. Eclipse Plugin 支援:Eclipse的外掛也是相當熱門的技術(這也是我很想碰,但還沒時間玩的東西),如果有一天,JSPWebmail可以直接在Eclipse上外掛,或許~會是另一個Third Party的Web Client首選喔~
PS: 另外,專案的Road Map與分工的部份,不知安道生大大是否有idea ?